Reception September intake
As we know, it is a very strange time at the minute but we wanted to reassure you and provide you with all the relevant information for when your child starts school in September. Please browse this page at your leisure and more information will follow, including when your child can visit school to meet the Reception staff. This will be sent to you directly.
Please scroll to the bottom of this page so your child can familiarise themselves with our Reception Classroom.
Welcome Our Lady's New Starters
Hello! You have received an offer of a place at Our Lady's Catholic Primary School for your child to start Reception in September 2020. Congratulations and welcome! We are very excited to meet you and your child.
Each year, we hold several events to help you and your family get to know us and Our Lady's before the start of the school year in September. Things are a little different this year, but please don’t worry. You should have been recently contacted by a member of the team and received a pack with some key information. Normally, our Reception teacher, Mrs Storey, would visit your child at their nursery before they come for their visits at school. Unfortunately, due to Government guidance, this will not happen this year. Our Lady's will still be in contact with the Nurseries and Early Year Providers so that any relevant information regarding your child can be passed on to us.
You might be wondering what you should do now, and what you can do to help your child get used to the idea of Reception. There are still several months before your child will start Reception so we have added some great resources to help you and your child with this transition. The BBC website has some very valuable resources to aid in your preparation for school. Please click on the image that says BBC Programmes to be taken to these resources. There is also a really good information sheet on the BBC website as well with suggested activities. Please click on the image that says BBC Bitesize to be taken to this.
If you have any questions, you can email and your questions will be shared with Mrs Storey, the Reception class Teacher and we will get back to you.
We can't wait to meet you all.
Useful Information And Documents
Meet The Teachers
Mrs Storey is our very kind and caring Reception class teacher. She will support all the children in their learning journey in EYFS at Our Lady's. Mrs Storey loves cooking, camping and the great outdoors.
To meet the other staff in our school, please go to the tab 'About us - and click on Our Staff'.
School Readiness
All the documents in this section will help to prepare you and your child for starting Our Lady's in September.
Supporting Your Child's Transition.pdf
PACEY - Preparing for School Guide.pdf
Phase 1 Phonics - Parents Guide 1.pdf
Phase 1 Phonics - Parents Guide 2.pdf
Starting Primary School Flyer.pdf
Our Lady's Welcome Activity Pack.pdf
New Starter Tips for Parents.pdf
How to Get Ready for School.pdf
School Uniform
At. Our Lady's we are proud of our school uniform and how smart our children look when wearing it. All of our uniform that contains our school logo can be ordered from Cactus Clothing, whose order form can be found below.
Our uniform consists of;
- Grey trousers (grey shorts from Easter)
- Grey skirt or pinafore
- White shirt (short or long sleeved, but most children find the short sleeved shirts easier to get on and off for P.E.
- A blue jumper with the school logo
- Black shoes (preferably velcro)
- Grey socks or white socks/ grey tights
P.E. Kit
- White t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Trainers (velcro)
- Socks to keep in their P.E. bag (especially if they are wearing tights)
Uniform order form 2020-21
What Does Your Child Need To Bring To School?
At. Our Lady's we provide the majority of the equipment that your child needs. We ask that your child brings into school;
- An Our Lady's book bag (please attach a small keyring to make your child's book bag easily identifiable)
- Their P.E. kit (clearly labelled with their name) in a small drawstring bag
- A water bottle (clearly labelled with their name)
- If you think your child requires sun cream (if it is a hot, sunny day) please make sure this is applied before school, as we are not allowed to apply it for them.
School Meals
The children in the Reception Class are entitled to a free lunch every day. The lunch menu is posted termly under the Parent Information tab. If your child would struggle to eat a school lunch, they may bring a packed lunch of their choosing.
Children are able to purchase toast and a drink (either milk or juice) at the beginning of each week. Alternatively, they can bring in their own healthy snack.
Children are also provided with a piece of fruit during afternoon break.
Every child in Foundation Stage and KS1 is entitled to a free school meal each day. If you would prefer for your child NOT to receive this, please fill in the form below.
If your child has any special dietary requirements, such as allergies or is on a specified medical diet, please fill in the form below.
School Meal Opt Out Form 2020.pdf
Assessment And 2Simple
When you visit Reception Class with your child to meet the teachers, you will have the opportunity to discuss how we assess your child in Reception and the use of the online learning journal, 2Simple, and we use it to record your child's learning journey during their time in Reception at Our Lady's.
Please follow our school pages on Twitter. The link to this can be found at the bottom right-hand corner of our website by clicking on the icons.
Useful Websites
Please click on the images below to be taken to the various websites which will help support your child's learning and transition.