Art and Design
Gospel Quote
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me".
Psalm 51:10
Subject Quote
"Art is the tree of life..."
William Blake
At Our Lady's, we want every child to embrace Art and develop a sense of fun, curiosity, creativity and observation while being exposed to a range of different skills, media and famous artists. We want children's confidence and skills to progress as they make their journey through school through high quality teaching.
Our principal aim is that pupils leave Our Lady's with a wide range of skills in Art, formed through interesting and varied experiences. We will develop a child's awareness of the world around them and their observational skills and creative imagination. We want pupils to see learning in Art as a continual process as they look at ideas, concepts and works of art from different perspectives and practise using different techniques and media. Children will develop a deep understanding of the Art they are studying. They will increasingly use their prior knowledge to build upon what they are learning and begin to develop their own style, building on their God-given talents. We want pupils to be able to continually review and evaluate the results of their efforts and recognise the progress they have made throughout their time here at Our Lady's.
All pupils study Art for 3 half-terms per year (alternated with Design Technology). Pupils are given clear success criteria and high-quality teaching that matches the National Curriculum expectations. They learn about different artists, craft-makers and designers and the associated media and skills, making observations and comparisons as well as links to their own artwork.
Planning Overview
Pupil Progress & Pupil Voice
Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:

Year 4:

Year 5:

Year 6:

Cultural Capital
Knowing about important artists with varied backgrounds or from different cultures, their most-recgonised works and where their work is displayed will help pupils gain cultural capital. They will learn about styles and techniques in Art, both historical and contemporary, and be able to appreciate and employ these in their own artwork.
Core Values
Fundamental British Values are evident in Art and pupils become more and more aware of how Art can celebrate differences and foster inclusivity and respect for God-given talents. Pupils learn to appreciate Britain's multiculturalism through art from different cultures. As Art is such a personal subject, inviting through, interpretation and self-expression, it allows pupils to use their individual liberty to explore their own ideas and styles.
Useful Websites / links: