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Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

We decided to train a group of students to be our ABAs through the Diana Award - a scheme which educates students about the importance of being leaders and promoting an anti-bullying stance through raising awareness.

The group went to Bolton Grammar and took part in a series of training sessions. Following this, and subsequent online training, the pupils led a number of initiatives including ABA certificates, creating a 'Kindness Corner', having a 'Listening Booth' and competitions that promoted the ideals of respect, equality and unity. 

The Diana Award

Our school was awarded the 'Well Being' Diana Award for the work our children did across the year, promoting the sense of well-being and ensuring everyone recognised their self-worth and having respect for themselves and each other.


Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, following their great work helping the school gain a 'Well Being' recognition award, turned their attentions to helping pupils understand important themes like respecting each other and respecting a person's boundaries.  

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